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Example munged dataframe


sumstats_munged_example(example, dataframe = TRUE)



(character) One of "BMI" or "LDL" which have been included as example traits.


(logical) If TRUE (default), return an example munged dataframe. If FALSE, return path to the file on disk.


either a tibble containing a munged dataframe, or a path to the file on disk.


sumstats_munged_example(example = "BMI", dataframe = TRUE)
#> # A tibble: 1,168,351 × 5
#>    SNP             N      Z A1    A2   
#>    <chr>       <dbl>  <dbl> <chr> <chr>
#>  1 rs1000000  336107 -0.642 A     G    
#>  2 rs10000010 336107 -0.263 C     T    
#>  3 rs1000002  336107 -2.32  T     C    
#>  4 rs10000023 336107  1.01  G     T    
#>  5 rs1000003  336107 -1.49  G     A    
#>  6 rs10000033 336107  0.964 C     T    
#>  7 rs10000036 336107  0.247 C     T    
#>  8 rs10000037 336107  1.24  A     G    
#>  9 rs10000041 336107 -1.09  G     T    
#> 10 rs1000007  336107 -1.02  C     T    
#> # ℹ 1,168,341 more rows