Estimate F-statistic
- samplesize_exposure
(numeric) Sample size of population used to define genetic instrument for the exposure of interest
- n_variants
(numeric) Number of genetic variants included in genetic instrument for the exposure of interest
- rsq_exposure
(numeric) \(R^2\) value (coefficient of determination) of genetic instrument for the exposure of interest; used to estimate
- lci_95
(logical; default = FALSE) If TRUE, the function will return the lower limit of the one-sided 95% confidence interval of the F-statistic, which may represent a more conservative/less optimistic estimate
estimate_f(samplesize_exposure = 361194, n_variants = 196, rsq_exposure = 0.068, lci_95 = FALSE)
#> [1] 134.3818
# return lower bound of one-sided 95% confidence interval of F-statistic
estimate_f(samplesize_exposure = 361194, n_variants = 196, rsq_exposure = 0.068, lci_95 = TRUE)
#> [1] 131.624