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This function allows the user to pass in a set of harmonized genetic variants generated using the TwoSampleMR::mv_harmonise_data() function, and outputs the results of a Mendelian Randomization Bayesian Model Averaging experiment.

# Extract genetic instruments
lipid_exposures <- TwoSampleMR::mv_extract_exposures(id_exposure = c("ieu-a-299", "ieu-a-300", "ieu-a-302"))
#> API: public:
#> Please look at vignettes for options on running this locally if you need to run many instances of this command.
#> Clumping 1, 214 variants, using EUR population reference
#> Removing 70 of 214 variants due to LD with other variants or absence from LD reference panel
#> Extracting data for 144 SNP(s) from 3 GWAS(s)
#> Harmonising HDL cholesterol || id:ieu-a-299 (ieu-a-299) and LDL cholesterol || id:ieu-a-300 (ieu-a-300)
#> Harmonising HDL cholesterol || id:ieu-a-299 (ieu-a-299) and Triglycerides || id:ieu-a-302 (ieu-a-302)

# Extract corresponding outcome data
cad_outcome <- TwoSampleMR::extract_outcome_data(snps = lipid_exposures$SNP, outcomes = "ebi-a-GCST005195")
#> Extracting data for 144 SNP(s) from 1 GWAS(s)
#> Finding proxies for 2 SNPs in outcome ebi-a-GCST005195
#> Extracting data for 2 SNP(s) from 1 GWAS(s)

# Generate harmonized dataset
lipids_cad_harmonized <- TwoSampleMR::mv_harmonise_data(lipid_exposures, cad_outcome)
#> Harmonising HDL cholesterol || id:ieu-a-299 (ieu-a-299) and Coronary artery disease || id:ebi-a-GCST005195 (ebi-a-GCST005195)
#> Removing the following SNPs for being palindromic with intermediate allele frequencies:
#> rs7534572

# Run MR-BMA
mr_bma_res <- mr_bma(lipids_cad_harmonized, calculate_p = TRUE, nrepeat = 1000)
#>  Preparing input
#>  Preparing input [64ms]
#>  Running MR-BMA
#>  Running MR-BMA [49ms]
#>  Removing influential variants
#>  Removing influential variants [106ms]
#>  Removing outliers
#>  Removing outliers [115ms]
#>  Estimating empirical p-value using 1000 permutations
#>  Estimating empirical p-value using 1000 permutations [3.2s]
#>  Performing Nyholt correction for effective number of tests
#>  Performing Nyholt correction for effective number of tests [31ms]

# Output best models
#> # A tibble: 7 × 3
#>   rf_combination                posterior_prob causal_estimate  
#>   <chr>                                  <dbl> <chr>            
#> 1 ieu-a-300,ieu-a-302                    0.843 0.365,0.219      
#> 2 ieu-a-299,ieu-a-300,ieu-a-302          0.156 -0.063,0.361,0.19
#> 3 ieu-a-299,ieu-a-300                    0     -0.131,0.376     
#> 4 ieu-a-300                              0     0.393            
#> 5 ieu-a-302                              0     0.311            
#> 6 ieu-a-299,ieu-a-302                    0     -0.105,0.26      
#> 7 ieu-a-299                              0     -0.202

# Output marginal inclusion probabilities for each risk factor
#> # A tibble: 3 × 6
#>   exposure  mace                 mip               p_val           p_fdr p_nyh…¹
#>   <chr>     <chr>                <chr>             <chr>           <chr> <chr>  
#> 1 ieu-a-299 -0.00987190503160796 0.15651065273458  0.924075924075… 0.92… 1      
#> 2 ieu-a-300 0.364151410155237    1                 0.000999000999… 0.00… 0.0019…
#> 3 ieu-a-302 0.214705609094214    0.999726011149142 0.000999000999… 0.00… 0.0019…
#> # … with abbreviated variable name ¹​p_nyholt